525 4th Street, Baldwin, Michigan 49304
FAX: 231-745-7481
The Mission of Baldwin Community Schools is to prepare students for the promise of tomorrow.
At Baldwin Elementary:
We believe that every child can learn.
We believe that every child will be successful in their own time.
We believe that parents and community contribute to a child's education.
We believe that a loving, caring environment enhances a child's self - concept and develops a love for learning.
We believe that every child has a right to a positive self-image, be confident, to be responsible.
We believe that every child will grow mentally, physically, emotionally, and socially.
We believe learning can be fun.
Baldwin Elementary Points of Pride
Small classroom sizes
Tiered academic supports
Student Assistance Team
Full time Instructional Coach
Visual and Performing Arts Programs
Student Support Specialist
Dedicated & compassionate staff
Academically trained paraprofessionals
Campus medical, visual, and dental services
Three and Four year old Preschool
Highly qualified reading tutors
Classroom technology
One to one student and staff technology
Elementary sports program
The Promise