Baldwin Students Return to Classroom For First Time In Nearly a Year
March 1, 2021
David LydenJacob Johnson

Students at Baldwin Community Schools returned to in-person learning Monday for the first time in almost a year.
They ended with remote learning last year, and started this year remote as well.
Because of COVID-19, the classrooms inside Baldwin Community Schools haven’t been filled with students almost 365 days.
A return that couldn’t come soon enough for many students.
“It’s weird, it’s definitely going to take a lot to get used to but I’m glad to be back and I’m ready to be back and I’m ready to graduate. It was a great feeling. I got to see one of my friends I haven’t seen in a long time and I’m glad to be here with them and I’m excited for the end of the year,” said Senior Laya Griffin.
The day was met with similar anticipation for the district’s teachers.
“I’m very anxious to get them caught up go where we are now. My heart was pounding I was so excited. I just want the kids in front of me face to face. I’ve been looking mostly at their initials online and not a lot of them in middle school show their face so I’m just really excited to have them in front of me,” said Middle School Teacher Lisa Davis.
We’ve all missed the feeling of normalcy over the last year, but these students and teachers got a little bit of that back Monday.
“It was a lot of not knowing what was coming next, and being told we would go back to school, and then maybe we won’t so just figuring out what was going to happen. I talked to my friends who I haven’t seen since March and just kind of took it all in being back. Everything can change in an instant, and you might not know what’s going to happen so just try to make the best of what you can,” said Senior Kendra Washington.
The district hopes to keep in person learning in place until the end of the year.